Sunday, December 16, 2007

White Rice

White Rice

(mi fan) Short, medium and long grain rice is eaten in China. As long as rice is served pure, white and fluffy, all will be well under the heavens.

2 cups rice
3 cups water


1. Remove dust and impurities by rinsing rice in a couple of changes of water. Run your fingers through the rice as you rinse.
2. Drain and place rice into a flat, heavy bottomed pot with a tight fitting lid – never use a wok.
3. Add the water.
4. Without the lid, bring to a boil on a medium heat. Stir well.
5. Place lid on pot, and simmer on a very low heat for about 18 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat and allow the rice to rest for 15 minutes to complete the water absorption process.
7. Mix the rice to fluff it up, and serve in bowls.

Cooking time may vary depending on rice type. In general long grain rice needs a bit more water than short, and older rice may also need extra water. Never toss in oil, butter or salt, or any other additive. Do not remove the lid from the pot until the rice is ready to serve. Do not wash rice after cooking.

Most American-grown rice is fortified with vitamins and minerals in the form of a powder coating, and should not be rinsed before cooking.

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